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Youth Activist Profile: A Look Into Jerome Foster II

Updated: Jul 6, 2023

In researching how young people are changing the world, I came across Jerome Foster II.

Jerome Foster II is a well-known and loved climate activist who is an African American. As a youngster, he was involved in the struggle against climate change. He is one of the movement's most well-known leaders among young people. A place on the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council resulted from his appointment. Foster was the youngest adviser ever to serve in the White House in history.

When Foster was five years old, he first learned about climate change. As he grew older, he realized he had to do more if he wanted to effect change. Foster started and served as editor-in-chief for the environmental news website The Climate Reporter in 2017 while still a high school student. It served as a platform for climate activists to tell their stories to a global audience. OneMillionOfUs was also started by Foster. The organization urged young people to register to vote and educate themselves on all the subjects that concern them. The campaign finally succeeded in registering one million young adults to vote.

Foster started planning Fridays for Future protests around the White House in December 2018. Greta Thunberg instigated the first Fridays for Future protests in Sweden. There were demonstrations when students skipped class to draw attention to the issue of climate change. Up until March 2021, Foster oversaw the strikes.

Foster participated in the creation of Waic Up in 2020, which evolved from OneMillionOfUs. Waic Up is an internet hub for audio, film, and the arts. It allows all entries so that everyone's opinions may be heard. Foster was asked to join the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council by President Joe Biden in March 2021. The president receives advice from the council on a variety of topics, including climate change.

News articles on Foster have appeared all across the world. He has addressed a variety of audiences, namely the United Nations climate change summit in 2021. At Harvard University, Jerome Foster II currently researches social justice, international environmental governance, and policy.


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 I am passionate about climate change, especially the impact of agriculture on the climate. This is a site I have created to keep the Conversations of 2Day going. Let's turn around CO2 into action! ~ MA

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