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The Ghazipur Landfill: Why it Matters to You.

Updated: Apr 16, 2023

Today I had the opportunity to visit the Ghazipur landfill. The Ghazipur landfill was commissioned by the Delhi government in 1984 and reached its capacity in 2002. It covers 70 acres of land and receives 3000 metric tonnes of waste every day from 700 garbage trucks. It grows 10 metres (3.3 feet) every year and is currently around 65 metres tall (213 feet). Last March/April, with temperatures rising, the landfill which emits high levels of methane, was set ablaze releasing toxic fumes into the air!

What's incredible about the area around the landfill is that it is home to one of the largest dairy farms, poultry farms, fish markets and vegetable markets in Delhi! Most of our food is aggregated near one of the biggest garbage dumps emitting toxic methane and seeping chemicals into the groundwater.

I wish there was more awareness of Ghazipur among the citizens of Delhi. I wish we paid more attention to how we consume and how our daily garbage is disposed of.

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 I am passionate about climate change, especially the impact of agriculture on the climate. This is a site I have created to keep the Conversations of 2Day going. Let's turn around CO2 into action! ~ MA

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