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It's not just about plastic straws: A new UNEA mandate to tackle the whole life cycle of plastic!

Updated: Apr 16, 2023

One hundred and seventy-five countries, parties to the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA), on March 2, 2022 signed a mandate to address the full life of plastics — from production to disposal, to end plastic pollution. A Global Plastics Treaty will join the Montreal Protocol and the Paris Climate Agreement as one of the most significant international environmental laws in world history. It is hoped an agreement to address the growing problem of plastic waste can be reached by the end of 2024. Why the need for a global agreement? It’s a global problem, and we need a global solution to solve it.

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 I am passionate about climate change, especially the impact of agriculture on the climate. This is a site I have created to keep the Conversations of 2Day going. Let's turn around CO2 into action! ~ MA

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