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Delhi to get 100 EV charging stations by June 27

Updated: Apr 16, 2023

New Delhi is gearing up to be the EV capital of India! The Delhi government will establish 100 public electric vehicle (EV) charging stations by June 27 that will have a total of 500 charging points, of which 71 will be placed at metro stations across the city. The charge for using the station facility will be Rs 2 per unit, which would be the lowest in the country. After the completion of this project, Delhi will have a total of 900 EV charging points. While we have narrowed down on the EV our family will buy this year, there's also a 4 month wait time. The switch over to EV is not entirely smooth. From what I understand, the charging points are meant to be emergency changing facilities, the car would still need to be charged overnight. Which means that not everyone will have the electricity capacity at home. For example, at our home the kB capacity required to overnight charge is 20 kB, but we only have 15 kB capacity. The switch to EV will require a coordinated effort, but one that we are willing to make as a family!

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 I am passionate about climate change, especially the impact of agriculture on the climate. This is a site I have created to keep the Conversations of 2Day going. Let's turn around CO2 into action! ~ MA

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